на :
маша миронова ‒ одна из главных героев романа а. с. пушкина «капитанская дочка». маша была
первой героиней пушкина, которая сочетает в себе смелость, решительность и мягкость,невероятную доброту.
в ней отразились идеальные представления писателя о девушке.
маше 18 лет. круглолицая, румяная, с светло‑русыми волосами, гладко зачесанными за уши, которые у нее так и горели.
автор отмечает, что голосок маши был тонким и мягким, «ангельским».
на :
masha mironova is one of the main characters of a. s. pushkin's novel "the captain's daughter". masha was
the first heroine of pushkin, which combines courage, determination and gentleness, incredible kindness.
it reflected a perfect view of the writer about the girl.
masha is 18 years old. she was round-faced, rosy-cheeked, with light brown hair slicked back behind her ears, which burned.
the author notes that masha's voice was thin and soft, "angelic".
ответ: вот незачто
1. finally they stopped laughing. 2. she denied the fact of stealing the money. 3. let's lay off our going to the summer house by the next saturday. 4. i'm sorry for loosing your pen. 5. when will she finish writing her composition? 6. i don't mind my staying home and working on my translation. 7. stop trembling. quit showing your fear to these people. 8. i can't help worrying about them: they stopped writing to me. 9. i don't deny the fact of seeing them that evening. 10. he didn't mind their examining him: he stopped pretending that he was sound. 11. he can't forgive me for my tearing his bag. 12. stop talking. 13. we finished working in this problem. 14. keep on singing. 15. do you ming if i open the window?
2. Where exercise is concerned, there are a variety of regimen to choose from that promote physical fitness, health and wellness.
3. Most people can benefit from any style of yoga – it’s all about
your personal preference.
4. The core components of hatha yoga and most general yoga
classes are poses and breathing.
5. Weight training, yoga and pilates are among the most common
workout today.
6. Pilates emphasize use of the abdominals, lower back, hips and
7. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve
peacefulness of body and mind.
8. Weight training is a type of repetitive training that uses weights for strength.
9. In yoga, breath signifies your vital energy.
10. The world of muscle building (apart from body building) was relatively unknown.