1. False. -The nature of news is a favourite subject of discussion among journalists.
2. False. -To be news an item of information must have a bearing on the affairs of the moment, it must be new to those who hear or read it, and it must arouse the interest of a considerable number of those hearers or readers.
3. True.
4. False. -"and it must arouse the interest of a considerable number of those hearers or readers."
5. True.
6. False -"To be news an item of information must have a bearing on the affairs of the moment"-so that journalists always give an enormous attention to current affairs.
7. True.
8. True.
9. False. It`s a quality that must be improved step-by-step, through a lot of experience.
10. False. -To acquire this sense the journalist must have a wide acquaintance with men and affairs, a sound educational background and a very considerable stock of general knowledge.
11. True.
12. False. -"Journalists must have a wide acquaintance with men and affairs, a sound educational background"
13. True . -" ..and what is of topical interest from what is of little concern to the majority of this readers.."
14. True.
15. False. -""And this knowledge he must keep constantly up to date by being himself an assiduous reader of newspapers and magazines."
16. True.
17. True.
18. False.
19. False.
20. False.
1. Не носите верхнюю одежду в помещении.
2. Не держите руки в карманах.
3. Не сидите с раздвинутыми ногами.
4. Не свистите на улице.
5. Не обедайте на газоне в парке.
6. Не спрашивайте, где находится туалет.
7. Не пожимайте руку через порог.
1. Do not wear outerwear indoors.
2. Do not keep your hands in your pockets.
3. Do not sit with legs apart.
4. Do not whistle outside.
5. Do not dine on the lawn in the park.
6. Do not ask where the toilet is.
7. Do not shake your hand across the threshold.
2. Do you want me to do that?
3.I think our planet will be very crowded.
4. Im sure we'll have a wonderful time in Asutralia.
5 Why dont we ask Steve to organize the concert?