The planet I'd like to tell you about is one of the most famous and smallest planets in Solar System. For the first time, it was considered to be an ordinary planet but nowadays it is the biggest Kuiper belt object. This planet was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930. It has 5 secondary planets. (Pluto) Прости, если мало.
London is very famous, well-known city. It has benn so for ages. I guess, it is interesting even nowadays. What are my expectations from such city? I`d like to see it`s best sights - Downing St., St. Paul`s Cathedral, New Scotland Yard and many others. I would also like to see what is like to live everyday in this city - it is not the same as it was before multicultural integration process and "refugee" problem. England is so difficult to understand kind of place for me.
в общем, я жду увидеть достопримечательности и каково жить в таком городе особенно из-за процессов мультикультурализма в Европе и проблемы беженцев
In the world there are many professions. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, its requirements and features I want my future profession was useful for people who interesting to me, I chose the profession of lawyerMy profession has come from antiquity. One of the first lawyers were the Romans. They produce, store, they interpret the law. Legal education will provide me the knowledge of the law, understanding of the legal responsibilities of citizens, human rights and freedoms recognized by national legislation and international legal instruments lawyer - a profession difficult because it requires dedication and deep fundamental knowledge of different areas of science, however, a lawyer - a profession noble, it calls man to be honest and selfless in unlimited assistance to a person who needs assistance due to a violation of his rights.
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