Hi Vika, How are you? I am fine. Thanks for your previous letter. You asked me about Peter. I am so happy,that I'm here. I often go in parks to do some exercises. Sometimes I meet with my friends,they are very sociable. My mother says that I'm so lazy,but I don't think so. I'm studying,so I always do my homework! However,I will be a good ( професию вставь любую *dancer*), if I have study well! I'm sorry,but I have to go. Write me about your life) Best wishes, (имя)
It's the players in one of the toughest sports of dynamic games of the World Football. For them, there is no greater joy in life except with a triumphant roar "Touchdown!" Imprinted the ball into the end zone of the opponent, leaving behind a picturesque composition of sshiblennyh with enemy defenders legs. Victory! But few people know how difficult their way to glory. The hero of this film, the coach Herman Boone From those who know. He came into the school team "Titans" when she does not deserve its name. and outsiders "Titans" are gradually becoming confident formidable players who are ready to fight for the title of champion of the state .
Матушка Гусыня пригласила друзей к себе на день рождения. Но ни один из них не пришел.
1. Одна из них была слишком занята, поисками ее потерянной овцы. 2. Другой заснул под стогом сена. 3. Два других должны были отдохнуть, потому что они упали вниз с холма. 4. Один из них был слишком расстроен после того, как был напуган пауком. 5. Другой нужно было идти по магазинам для её бедной голодной собаки. 6. Последняя сказала, что она не хочет приходить. Она скорее останется дома чтобы работать в своем саду. Назовите тех кого пригласила матушка Гусыня на вечеринку.
How are you? I am fine. Thanks for your previous letter. You asked me about Peter.
I am so happy,that I'm here. I often go in parks to do some exercises. Sometimes I meet with my friends,they are very sociable.
My mother says that I'm so lazy,but I don't think so. I'm studying,so I always do my homework! However,I will be a good ( професию вставь любую *dancer*), if I have study well!
I'm sorry,but I have to go. Write me about your life)
Best wishes,