Like in many countries, Russia has a lot of different problems. However, the most prominent one is corruption. It reached such a bad state that some of the people even except the bribe for the services that they provide. It starts from the government levels and reaches the common levels like doctors, for example. To solve this problem we can create a superhero, to be specific a superwoman. Her nam will be Dr. Anticorruption. She will be incredibly smart and powerful. Her costume will be a similar to that of Joker but without makeup. Instead, she will wear a mask similar in design to the suite. She will be able to solve the problems but starting with the government official first. She will go undercover and will figure out who is the most corrupt. After, these people will be eliminated and replaced with the trusted people. When that step will be done, she will force to introduce the laws similar to Singaporean laws about the bribes, meaning that if people were to be caught taking bribes they will be imprisoned up to three years or a fine, or both.
2. There was nothing , but to wait for the next train which was due at six.
Б. To be done
3. You were wondering if you could have a cutting from my jade plant? all means, take a few. You are welcome to take at least three or four. Б. By
4. The child hurt her leg badly and started to complain having severe pains in it. Б. About
5. Lorna intended to help him lending him some money. В. Through