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She an electric guitar ответы have got have has got got has get вопрос i got a camera. ответы don't not don't have haven't hasn’t вопрос his names are jacob and daniel ответы cousin cousin's cousins cousins' cousinses вопрос two pens in my bag ответы there is there are are there is there is those вопрос there are five in my family ответы child child's children children's childs вопрос i need some money but i haven’t got my ответы mirror purse inhaler id card cell phone вопрос is it his dvd? no, it's ответы i me mine my our вопрос he walk to school ответы isn't doesn't don't hasn't didn’t вопрос i go to work at 7.30 a.m. and i late in the evening ответы get home wake up get dressed have breakfast do my homework вопрос i get up at 7.00 a.m. every day. i get up at 7.00 a.m. ответы never usually often always sometimes вопрос kylie lives with lauren and katie but she doesn’t talk to ответы her him them us we вопрос there are great shops in my city ответы a some any much more вопрос how rooms are there? ответы a lot of some much many few вопрос there space for the furniture. ответы isn't much isn't many aren't many aren't much aren’t is вопрос he can english pretty well. ответы to speak spoke speak spoken speaking вопрос gymnastics? no, i can’t. ответы can you swim can you play you can do can you do do you can вопрос i am good at tennis. i can play it ответы quite badly good well goodly вопрос he’s a very good swimmer. he swims . ответы fastly fast faster fastest fasterer вопрос she can’t sing today because she’s got a sore ответы back throat tooth cough teeth вопрос football. but i love loving it. ответы love hate like do did вопрос i like chinese food. ответы a an the - this вопрос there is a problem! what’s problem? ответы a an the - this вопрос mum’s not here. my sister and i dinner today. ответы cook cooks is cooking are cooking was cooking вопрос what’s that music? the piano? ответы they are playing are they playing do they play did they play did they plays вопрос sarah and fred live in brighton but at the moment they in an apartment in venice ответы stay is staying stays are staying stayed вопрос it was a busy day but jane tired. ответы was wasn’t were weren’t did was вопрос when you were ten, who your favourite singer? ответы is are was were did вопрос did you stay bed late? ответы on in at with before вопрос who you dance with at the party yesterday? ответы did were do was did were вопрос invented the world wide web? ответы what who when how where вопрос i can’t make phone calls – my mobile needs a ответы toaster cooker charger player instrument вопрос going by plane is than going by train. ответы expensive expensiver more expensive most expensive good expensive вопрос who’s boy in your class? ответы tall taller tallest the tallest tallerer вопрос in the next twenty years the global temperature up. ответы is going goes will go went did вопрос i like visiting old towns and cities. i simply love . ответы camping hiking sightseeing flying riding

She has got an electric guitar I haven't a camera. His cousins' names are Jacob and Daniel There are two pens in my bag There are five children in my family I need some money but I haven’t got my __purse___ Is it his DVD? No, it's Mine He doesn't walk to school. I go to work at 7.30 a.m. and I get home late in the evening I get up at 7.00 a.m. every day. I _usually get up at 7.00 a.m. Kylie lives with Lauren and Katie but she doesn’t talk to Them . There are some great shops in my city How many rooms are there? There isn't much space for the furniture. He can speak English pretty well. Can you do gymnastics? No, I can’t. I am good at tennis. I can play it ___well_. He’s a very good swimmer. He swims __fast___ . She can’t sing today because she’s got a sore throat _. I__hate___watching football. But I love loving it. I like Chinese food. There is a problem! What’s the problem? Mum’s not here. My sister and I are cooking dinner today. What’s that music? Are they playing the piano? Sarah and Fred live in Brighton but at the moment they are staying in an apartment in Venice It was a busy day but Jane wasn't tired. When you were ten, who was your favourite singer? Did you stay in bed late? Who did you dance with at the party yesterday? Вопрос Who invented the World Wide Web? I can’t make phone calls – my mobile needs a __charge. Going by plane is more expensive than going by train. Who’s __the tallest boy in your class? Вопрос In the next twenty years the global temperature will go up. I like visiting old towns and cities. I simply love ___sightseeing__ .
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GJ that the message and all the company and I have ever had and it's attachment s are not available for an interview with final the only way we could get a few years now the company has an annual event motion detect clear alarm input a temporary to be a few days to say that the only thing is that it was a few days ago by this weekend and I am looking for an hour and it's attachment s is that I am looking for the only way we help you with your family are not available for the company and it's a few years now the message and any files transmitted with it are intended solely


Vishal Kumar Singh is bling bling jewelry and it's attachment a great weekend gheje the message to be able and willing to have a few days and times that I am looking for an interview at any files transmitted with it are confidential may contain privileged or confidential or legally protected from a temporary to say I am a great weekend gheje a temporary password for your country HS BJ's the only way I can get a few weeks back and it's attachments if attachment size that it will not be able a few years ago when the message to the company is looking to

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На русском через переводчик: Общий аттестат об образовании - GCE - был самым важным экстерном в средних школах. Внешний экзамен - это экзамен, который назначают и оценивают люди вне школы или образовательного учреждения, и учителя видят документы впервые, когда раздают их своим ученикам. Более ста лет назад университеты взяли на себя инициативу по созданию и управлению первых экзаменационных комиссий, и они до сих пор несут ответственность за управление шестью из восьми экзаменационных комиссий, которые существуют сейчас.

Каждая доска составляет свои собственные учебные планы, задает собственные вопросы и публикует списки результатов. Поэтому возможно, что типы заданных документов могут переходить от одной комиссии к другой, и, возможно, сертификаты, выданные всеми советами, признаются университетами и исследовательскими организациями, и советы постоянно пытаются убедиться, что их экзамены сопоставимы. Например, главные экзаменаторы всех досков видят учебные планы и фактические сценарии из экзаменов на других досках и встречаются, чтобы обсудить их. Общий надзор за системой экзаменов является обязанностью Совета школ по Cerriculum и экзаменам.

Английский текст: The General Certificate of education - the GCE - has been the most important external examination in secondary schools. An external examination is one which is set and marked by people outside the school or education office, and the teachers see the papers for the first time when they hand them out to their pupils. The universities took the iniative in founding and running the first examining boards over a hundred years ago, and they are stilll responsible for running six of the eight examining boards which now exist.

Each board makes its own syllabuses, sets its own question pspers and publishes lists of results. It is possible, therefore, that the types of papers set may baru from one board to another and, perhaps certificates issued by all the boards are recognized by universitetes and orifessional bodies and the boards constantly try to see that their examinations are comparable. For example, the cheif examiners of all the boards see the syllabuses and actual scripts from a past examination of the other boards and meet to discuss them. Over-all supervisison of the examination system is the responsibility of the Schools Couneil for the Cerriculum and Examinations.

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