В начале 1980-х, Эллис увидел потенциал для домашних компьютеров (когда?). Использование стандартных компонентов, он собрал свой первый компьютер (что?), То YX30. Сначала он принял его через специализированных электронных журналов (где?). Затем он рекламных материалов, размещенных в «качество» воскресных газет, (что?). Это был мгновенный успех. Через год он произвел более мощный YX40 (когда?). Они имели цветной графики и стоить меньше, чем YX30 (сколько?). Были проблемы производства. Многие люди вернулись их YX40 и попросил свои деньги обратно (кто?). В 1985 году Эллис обанкротился и Хомяк купил право на YX30 (когда?).
Forward football team "Zenith". P odilsya in May 29, 1981 in Leningrad. Height - 172 cm, weight - 69 kg. The pupil of the Sports School "Change" in the "Zenith" in 2000Year B ronzovy medalist Russia 2001 ode Silver medalist Russia 2003 Russian national team players according to the results tatam 2004 ranked third in the middle of mestopol dix scorers Up to seven years w yl Andrew on Vasilevsky Island. Andrei's father - the coach of the football team "Light Lana." Football started with 7 years in school "Change" and to release continuously trained there. One time, he still had to throw the football later some to onflikta associated with the judging. I take offense, went home and stopped to walk on busy prises, but the coach came to his home and told to return. First mentor was Viktor Vinogradov, then it was replaced by Sergey Gordeev. At the foot of Bolu tournament in Italy command "Change" won the cup, Andrew at that time was 12 years old. Fter school Andrew took a double, from the double I - in the central part of Zenith. However, n robitsya based managed not this minute. Its a little more time expelled from the team, but then returned. Napo is alleged that the 23-year-old became the player om "Zenith" in 1999, and in the Premier League is, made his debut in next season vozra ste 19 years. Since 2001, a team regular spending in the Russian championship 121 matches and scoring 19 goals. In the year 200 4 Arshavin extended with "Zenith" counter act before January 1, 2008. Besides football Andrew receives the profession of fashion designer in C ankt Petersburg State Univ rsitete technology and design. His godfather irami Andrew D. says Nagieva, N. Thomas NGOs and R. Trachtenberg. In humans, more sun it appreciates decency. Favourite foreign football team Andrew Noah is a Spanish "Barcelona". translated into English
2. Mr Brown and Mike do not hurry.
3. Sarah does not buy.