What day is today?( какое сегодня число?) today is the twenty-ninth of August What day is today?( какой сегодня день?) today is Tuesday What time is it now?(Который час сейчас?) Now two hours where were you last Sunday?(где вы были в воскресенье?) on Sunday we were at my grandmother's Where are you now?( где ты сейчас?) I am now at home where well you be next Sunday?(где вы будете в следующее воскресенье?) Next Sunday we will be on the Day of Birth what are you going to do on Sunday (что вы собираетесь делать в воскресенье?) on Sunday we are going to celebrate my mom's birthday What can you do in the park?(что вы можете сделать в парке)In the park we can go for a ride How many chairs are there in your flat?(Сколько стульев в вашей квартире?) in our apartment are a few chairs Where did you go yesterday( куда ты ходил вчера?) Yesterday I visited my friends What did your mum buy last week?( что покупала твоя мама неделю назад?)my mombought a raincoat a week ago. where did you walk last week?(где ты гулял на неделе?) I Walked in the park last week
Dear Sir/Madam, Some days ago I ordered two items at your shop: a yellow woolen sweater (large size) and light blue jeans(medium size).However, when I received the items, there were a red woolen sweater (medium size) and light blue jeans (large size).I am very disappointed now, because I have to travel and I wanted to take those things with me.I am going to return the received items and I would like to ask you to send me what I ordered before.If you are not able to deliver my order, I would like my money back. Thank you.