1. b) These sweets are for us
c) He loves playing it
d) I don't remember it
e) Look at him
f) I love her
g) He reads them during breakfast
h) Wait for her in the hall
2. Mariam can type fast
3. My sister can do these exercises easily
4. Students study hard for their exams
5. The new worker works very slowly
6. I sleep badly when I eat a lot
7 . My mother cooks very good.
8. Karim is a successful businessman. He works hard.
in: the evening, the spring
on: Friday, the weekend, Monday afternoon, 13th November
at: night, seven o'clock
a) ugly
b) big
c) sad
d) same
e) old
f) young
g) wet
h) low
visited didn'twanteddidn'twaiteddidn'tuseddidn't8.
a) three years ago
b) last month
c) last Sunday
d) thirty minutes ago
e) last August
f) two weeks ago
g) yesterday evening
arrived (R)
played (R)
decided (R)
fell (I)
went (I)
washed (R)
woke up (I)
took (I)
wanted (R)
sold (I)
walked (R)
wore (I)
became (I)
bbabaabaНеlеn is 15 and at school. Despite being good at most subjects there are some that she sti11 has problems with. No matter how hard she studies she doesn't seem to get good marks in maths, though her father sits with her every week to try and help her understand it better. She loves art, as she always gets good grades, but she doesn't like sports at all though she' s quite ath1etic. Неlеn knows that while she' s still at school she has to keep working hard in all subjects she's studying. No matter what grades she gets. However, she's optimistic that she'll improve overall.
Although и though переводятся одинаково(хотя), но разница между ними в том, что первое ставится только в начало предложения,а второе может быть и в начале, и в середине, и в конце предложения.
Even though переводится как "даже не смотря на". Оно более сильно, чем despite (так как оно переводится как просто "несмотря на")
While переводится как "пока" (пока что-то происходит, а не прощание)
Whereas переводится как "в то время как, между тем", но не как "пока". Эти слова имеют разные значения.
A successful person may be called a person who is committed to his goal. for example, in to achieve success in a career or in school. Helping others you can myself to learn something new. And then you will be respected. You will no longer ask for advice. This is the meaning of a successful life.