В теперішньому часі
1. Look at the sky, I think it will rain.
2. In the winter, I will go to the gym daily.
3. Jessica has a new job in Moscow! She will move there next month.
4. Mother can't take me to school. She has a dentist appointment at 9:00.
5. My brother will not be like this again, he promised.
6. Her friend broke her leg. She answers him at the hospital.
7. Mike and Boris
there will be a party. i think so
will be a very enjoyable party.
8. I have already purchased tickets. They
will leave for St. Petersburg tonight.
1.What is the name of the school?
2.What students are missing?
3. What if you have no lessons?
4.What are the obligations?
5.Students do not need to study how many subjects?
6. What is Bobby's school reputation for?
7.What is the cause of the severity?
8.What do students eat for breakfast?
9.What do students spend after breakfast for two hours?
10.What time should they go to bed?
11.What is the plus in Bobby's school?
12.What is Star Track School famous for?
13.Why do they do with the teachers?
14.What is the Mahatma Institute famous for?
15.What should students do when a teacher speaks?
In the mines, near the small town of Sala, you can find the deepest underground hotel in the world, which is more than 150 meters below the ground.
перевод:В шахтах, близ маленького городка Сала, можно найти самый глубокий подземный отель в мире, который находится более чем в 150 метрах под землей.
The hotel, similar to the copy of Moria from "The Lord of the Rings", offers its guests rooms in the most minimalist style that one can imagine.
перевод:отель, похожий на Копи Мории из "Властелина колец", предлагает своим гостям номера в самом минималистической стиле, который можно себе представить.
Also, here you can visit the tour of the underground mines, which are built rooms. Mine Lux provides guests with the best rooms with free wine and cheeses, but here we see a minimal amount of furniture, each room has only one bed and two armchairs.
перевод:Также, здесь можно посетить экскурсию по подземным рудникам, в которых строятся номера. Шахта Люкс обеспечивает гостей наилучшими комнатами с бесплатным вином и сырами, однако и здесь мы видим минимальное количество мебели, в каждом номере только одна кровать и два кресла.
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