How old are they? Twelve. Сколько им лет? Двенадцать. Where are they from? Moscow Откуда они? Из Москвы. Have they got a big family? mum,dad and sister Julia У них большая семья? Мама, папа и сестра Джулия. What are they like? a talented sportsman,merry,brave and smart Что в них нравится? Они талантливые спортсмены, очаровательны, храбры и умны. What do they like? sport and travelling Что им нравится? Спорт и путешествия. What are they good at? skateboarding,snowboarding and carting В чём они хороши? В скейтбординге, сноубординге и картинге. What are they famous for? Master ofSports in carting Чем они знамениты? Они - мастера спорта в картинге. What are their dream jobs? a sportsman Кем они хотят работать? Спортсменами.
Languages are very important nowadays,especially foreign ones.My first language is Russian.I've learnt it since my childhood.I've started learning foreign languages in the school.I've begun learning English in the second grade.My first English teacher was Elena Victorovna.My first lesson was very funny,we started to learn alphabet with use of cards where fruits,vegetables and animals were painted.Also we learnt English fairytales,we read them every lesson.The most interesting English lesson was the open lesson.We conducted it in the 5 grade.We conducted math I'm English.The topic was "learning of fractions".There were lots of teachers from different schools.I was given a poem and firstly I was reading it in Russian and then in English.Everyone liked our lesson and people had been talking about it for a long time I can't say that I have good level of English,it's hard for me to speak in it,but I improve it every day.I watch American bloggers on YouTube,read Twitter in English,watch tv-series and movies with subtitles and read books every day.I like learning English so much