1. Go to the board. Write a lesson topic on the board.
2. She poured water into a vase and put flowers in it. Then she went to the window and set the vase on the windowsill.
3. Nick went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. His mother was standing at the plate. She was preparing dinner. She walked over to the table and poured a cup of tea.
4. We collected many mushrooms and berries in the forest.
5. Masha opened the door and entered the house. There was no one at home. The parents were at work and the younger brother was at school.
6. There was a thick carpet on the floor. The children sat on the carpet and started playing.
past simple
1 Он сделал это очень хорошо He did it very well
2 Я спал два часа I slept for two hours
3 Я поехал в Италию в месяце I went to Italy last month
4 Мы играли в футбол We played football
5 Ты сделал правильную вещь You did the right thing
6 Мы были на каникулах We were on holiday
7 Она была действительно рассержена She was really angry
8 Мальчики остались дом The boys stayed at home
9 Я пошел в кино вчера вечером I went to the cinema yesterday evening
10 Мы позавтракали час назад We had breakfast an hour ago.
present perfect
Have you already met Mr. Bin and his wife?
Вы уже встречались с мистером Бином и его супругой?
Has Linda learnt English before?
Линда учила английский раньше?
Have you ever been to America?
Вы когда-либо были в Америке?
Have they finished yet?
Они еще не закончили?
Has he been late for the meeting again?
Он снова опоздал на встречу?
We have not been to Australia Мы не были в Австралии
2 He has not started Он не начал
3 They have not made the project Они не сделали проект
4 She has not decided Она не решила
5 I have not been to Washington Я не был в Вашингтоне
6 Jennifer has not told us Дженнифер не сказала нам
7 Adam has’t seen his house for 10 years Адам не видел свой дом 10 лет
8 A red plane has not arrived at the airport yet Красный самолет еще не прибыл в аэропорт
9 We haven't bought a new couch Мы не купили новый диван
10 I haven't said that she's moving back Я не говорил, что она переезжает обратно
to cut - cut
to steal - stole
to be - was/were
to do - did
to mend - mended