Every year, people pollute the environment with 85 billion tons of waste. Among them are solid and liquid wastes from industrial enterprises and transport, agricultural waste (including pesticides), household garbage and atmospheric precipitation of harmful substances.The main role in soil contamination is played by such components of technogenic waste as heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, thallium, bismuth, tin, vanadium, antimony), pesticides and petroleum products. From the soil they penetrate into plants and water, even spring water. Through the chain, toxic metals enter the human body and are not always quickly and completely removed from it. Some of them have the property of accumulating over long years, provoking the development of severe diseases.Global Environmental Issue No. 6: Water PollutionPollution of the world's oceans, underground and surface waters of the land is a global environmental problem, the responsibility for which lies entirely on man.
Air pollution, endangered animals, dirty water in seas and rivers. Specialists discuss these problems and newspapers report almost every day what happens all around us. Poisonous smoke from factories and car exhaust fumes make smog. The amount of litter grows every day. People improve their conditions but unfortunately it happens by means of nature which suffers a lot. Nowadays the young try to protect the environment. Let’s speak about air pollution. Not only the factories pollute the air in the cities. But also the car exhaust fumes do this. When I get older I won’t drive a car or I’ll try to use it less as possible and instead of this I will ride bicycle or use public transport. In such way I hope that I will help to reduce the air pollution in the cities. We can save the world’s oxygen by planting trees. My dad and I have already done it in our garden. The next important problem is the amount of litter. When I go to the supermarket to buy something I try not to take products with a lot of packaging or disposable products. These things may be more convenient for us, but not for the environment. Recently, I begin to think of following the trend of recycling, it means to separate different kinds of litter. Such as glass, plastic, paper and organic wastes. As for us, of course, it is a hard work, because we didn’t use to do this but it will help our environment. Have you ever thought about the economy of energy and water? I always turn the lights off when I leave a room and switch all electrical things off when I don’t use them. I believe that we can also save fresh water, in the morning, when I brush my teeth I switch off the water and try to waste it less. We try to make our life comfortable and to improve our home. But we ought to remember that our planet is our home too. Let’s treat the nature and the environment, as we treat our own homes. Let’s take care of it and try to correct those things, which we have already spoiled. The nature will be thankful for us, and we will be glad that we take part in the saving of the planet.
a pencil box
a test
a student's book
a watermelon
a berry
an egg
a cup(a mug)
a map