Education in Russia
Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get in his life.
The literacy rate in Russia is almost 100%. Half of Russia’s adults has at least college education. So Russia has the highest college-level education in the world.
Russia has pre-school educational system. About 2/3 of children aged 5 attend kindergartens. Since the age of 6 or 7 children attend school. Eleven-year secondary education in Russia is compulsory. School term has 3 stages: elementary (grades 1-4), middle (grades 5-9) and senior (grades 10-11) classes.
Before 1990 the course of school training was 10-years, but since 1990 school study lasts for 11 years. Education in state schools is free. Male and female students have equal rights in all stages of education.
The school year starts in September 1 and finishes in May. It is divided into four terms. Study programme in schools is fixed. It means that schoolchildren can’t choose subjects they want to study.
When children finish school, they have to pass the Unified state examination (USE). It’s the set of standardised tests.
University level of education in Russia is high. The country inherited a system of high level of education from the Soviet Union.A student can continue his/her education in colleges and universities.
Crocodile is a predatory animal. Some crocodiles can be up to 5 metres long and live up to 80-100 years. Most of their time crocodiles spend in water. Their eyes and nostrils are located right on the top of their head. This allows them to hide under water.
Crocodile has 4 short legs and a long tail. When a crocodile swims it moves with its tail from one side to another. Crocodiles have very sharp teeth. Their senses of hearing and vision are well-developed. Even though most of their time crocodiles spend in water, they feel comfortable on land too.
Crocodiles are slow butthey can movequite far away from water. If it is necessary crocodiles can survive without any food for up to 1-1,5 years.
Crocodiles represent a real danger to human beings. Crocodiles’ skin is very valuable. It is widely used in manufacturing ofclothes, shoes and bags. The colour of crocodile’s skin can vary from greenish to brown shades. There are also crocodiles whose skin is black.