My name is XXX, I purchased a swimsuit from you on 01/01/2015.
It was delivered on time, but the courier made me pay a whole $4.5, whereas the declared shipping cost was $3.5. Therefore, I'm expecting a refund of $1 for the shipping costs.
When I unpacked the parcel, it turned out the suit had an ugly tear just below the waistline. I am attaching the picture of the tear for your consideration.
On top of this, I ordered size S, and you sent me size L, which is unacceptable.
I have had quite a bad experience with this purchase, so please arrange for the item to be returned and replaced with a quality suit of the right size.
Best regards,
Customer account number: 123456
2. The door was elosed by Kate .
3. The information will be received tomorrow by director .
4. The difficult rules are explined at the lessons by teacher .
5. My sister is visited in hospital by me.