1. Did Ann love her cat very much? -- Yes, she did./ No, she didn't. 2. Did they often go to the cinema together? -- Yes, they did. /No,they didn't. 3. Did mother buy a cake for tea? -- Yes, she did. /No, she didn't. 4.Did I have dinner with my family yesterday ? -- Yes, I did./ No, I didn't. 5.Did we come home late last night? -- Yes, we did. /No, we didn't. 6. Were they very thirsty after dinner? -- No, they weren't. /Yes,they were. 7. Did he drink two cups of tea? -- No, he didn't. /Yes, he did. 8. Did mother make a wonderful dinner yesterday? -- No, she didn't./Yes, she did. 9. Did Granny like to cook very much? -- No, she didn't. /Yes, she did. 10. Did she recommend this restaurant to me? -- No, she didn't. /Yes, she did. 11. Did my parents have a nice car three years ago? -- No, they didn't./ Yes, they did. 12. Did I eat on the run in a fast-food restaurant yesterday? - Yes, I did./No, I didn't.
Tomorrow this time I shall be flying to New York. Don’t disturb me in the evening, I’ll be preparing for exam. Why did you bring an album? Shall we be studying painting? At 6 I won’t be sleeping yet. At 7 o’clock we’ll be having barbecue, you are welcome to join. This time next Sunday we will be flying to Hawaii. If you come at midnight, I will be sleeping. I will be working when you return. He won’t be meeting you tomorrow, because he has fallen ill. I’ll be going to the supermarket in a few hours. Do you need anything?