5 вопросов к этому предложению: Who usually doesn't take a receipt in shops? That does Ann with receipt in shops? That Ann doesn't take in shops? Where Ann doesn't take receipt? Ann take receipt in shops?
Resident of Nizhny Novgorod, which witnessed the robbery of the pensioner helped detain подозреваемого.В the duty of the Department of the police received information about a robbery on the street librarian of the Svetloyarsk of the Sormovo district in Nizhny Новгорода.На place of the incident arrived crew of private security, where the police asked the old woman. She told police that a few minutes ago it was attacked by an unknown young man: he threw her to the ground, ripping off the gold decoration, убежал.Мужчина, which became the casual witness of the incident, caught the robber and held it before the arrival of the police. The intruder was 21-year-old young man, who repeatedly brought to criminal responsibility for the Commission of similar crimes. Nizhny Novgorod police opened a criminal investigation into the open theft of property.
A resident of Nizhny Novgorod, who witnessed the robbery of the pensioner , helped apprehend podozrevaemogo.V duty of the Police Department received information about a robbery on the street Svetloyarskaya Sormovskogo district of Lower Novgoroda.Na crew arrived at the scene of private security where the police approached an elderly woman . She told police that a few minutes ago she was attacked by an unknown young man : he threw her to the ground and , having broken gold jewelry , ubezhal.Muzhchina , who became the accidental witness to the incident , caught the robber and held him until police arrive . Attacker was 21 -year-old young man who has been repeatedly brought to justice for committing similar crimes . Nizhny Novgorod police opened a criminal investigation into the embezzlement of public property.