Choose the correct item. 1 they aren’t here. to the cinema. a they have gone b they have been 2 we to hong kong three times. a have gone b have been 3 martin to the shops, he will be back in ten minutes. a have gone b has gone
Shopping and entertainment center "the Island" - the largest shopping area in the region, lies to the West of the city, in the former house-building plant, in a ten-minute transport accessibility from the Central part of the city. Designed for residents of the Western area of the city, where about two hundred thousand people. The largest tenants include the electronics hypermarket Eldorado, supermarket "Food," furniture supermarket "Mebelgrad", a children's supermarket "Bublgum", cinema "cinema World", entertainment center "Asteroid", a supermarket of household goods "Yuterra." In addition, there is a pharmacy, dry cleaner, photography Studio, dentist's office, beauty salon, Bank, medical office, ATM.
Напишите ответы и будьте готовы ответить перед классом. когда вы делаете эти вещи? 1. встаете - I get up at : 7am 2. завтракаете - I have breakfast at : 7:20am 3. отдыхаете - I have rest at... 4. обедаете - I have lunch at.. 3. идете в школу - I go to school at.. 4. выгуливаете собаку - I walk the dog at.. every day 5. смотрите тв - I watch TV at.. I like cartoons 6. идете спать - I go to bed at.. 7. делаете домашнюю работу - I do my home work at.. 8. читаете книги - I read books at.. usually it's novels(романы), detective stories(детективы) 9. ужинаете - I have dinner at.. 10. гуляете - I go for a walk at.. every evening with my friends. 11. идете на работу - I go to work at.. или I don't go to work, because I m a pupil. 12. чистите в своей комнате - I clean my room at.. in Sunday
2) B
3) B