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Переведите текст на музей усадьба чайковского одна из немногих достопримечательностей республики, которая привлекает не только посетителей со всей россии, но и со всего мира каждый год данный музей посещают порядка 250000 человек. реставратора и архитекторам на сегодняшний день были восстановлены и в первозданный вид все объекты, расположенные на территории усадьбы. поэтому все посетители могут окунуться именно в ту атмосферу, при которой и жил юный гений сам петр чайковский проживал в этой усадьбе до семилетнего возраста, однако именно за это время его мать привила ему любовь к музыке и творению. поэтому на первом этаже усадьбы можно наблюдать не только обеденные столы и летнюю кухню, но и ученического рояля *wirth* будущего композитора что касается территории музея -усадьбы чайковского, то она так же хорошо облагорожена там можно наблюдать множество беседок. скамеек и небольшую детскую площадку. летом рядом с господским домом разбита огромная клумба, там посажены цветы именно тех видов, которые высаживались при жизни семьи чайковских в этой усадьбе. стоит отметить. что вход в музей платный, однако это крайне символическая цена, она не превышает 70 рублей в 1940 году, в день 100-летия великого композитора на его родине в его отчем доме был открыт дом-музей, позже ставший музеем-усадьбой, посещение которого позволяет глубже понять личность петра ильича чайковского, истоки его музыкального таланта. сегодня в архивных фондах музея сберегаются документы о жизни чайковских, работает научная библиотека, хранится не одна тысяча звукозаписей произведений классиков.

The Tchaikovsky Manor Museum is one of the few attractions in the republic that attracts not only visitors from all over Russia, but also from around the world. Every year this museum is visited by about 250,000 people. Thanks to the restorers and architects to date, all objects located on the territory of the manor have been restored and presented in their original form. Therefore, all guests can plunge into the atmosphere in which the young genius lived. Pyotr Tchaikovsky himself lived in this manor until the age of seven, but it was during this time that his mother instilled in him a love for music and Creation. Therefore, on the first floor of the estate you can see not only dining tables and summer kitchen, but also a student piano. * Wirth * future composer. What's New? Benches And a small playground. In the summer, next to the manor house, a huge flowerbed is broken, flowers are planted exactly those species that were planted during the life of the Tchaikovsky family in this mansion. It is worth noting. That the entrance to the museum is paid, however it is an extremely symbolic price, it does not exceed 70 rublesIn 1940, on the 100th anniversary of the great composer, a house museum was opened in his father's house, which later became a museum-estate, a visit which allows a deeper understanding of the personality of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the sources of his musical talent.
Today in the archives of the museum documents about the life of the Tchaikovsky are preserved, a scientific library is kept, not one thousand sound recordings of the works of the classics are kept.
4,4(88 оценок)
The Museum house of Tchaikovsky is one of the few attractions of the Republic, which attracts not only visitors from all over Russia, but from around the world Every year this Museum is visited by about 250,000 people. Thanks restorer and architects today has been restored to its initial state, all objects located on the territory of the estate. Therefore, all visitors can plunge into that atmosphere, in which lived a young genius Pyotr Tchaikovsky lived in this manor until the age of seven, but it was during this time his mother instilled in him a love of music and Creation. Therefore, on the first floor of the mansion can be seen not only dining tables and a summer kitchen, but student piano *wirth* future composer with regard to the territory of the Museum-estate of Tchaikovsky, it is so well refined it is possible to observe the many pavilions. Benches And a small Playground. Summer near manor house smashed a huge flower bed, there are flowers of those species that were landed during the life of the Tchaikovsky family in this manor. It is worth noting. the entrance to the Museum is paid, however, it is extremely symbolic price, it does not exceed 70 rubles In 1940, the day of the 100th anniversary of the great composer in his Homeland in his father's house was opened house-Museum, which later became a Museum-estate, which allows us to better understand the personality of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the origins of his musical talent. 
Today in the archival funds of the Museum are preserved documents about the life of Tchaikovsky, is a scientific library that is stored more than one thousand recordings of classical works.
4,4(18 оценок)
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Объяснение: tfj fc ui 6uygu utgyu ftyg yfr gjythyg nfgng vn htv n bn b    hjgjvhg vhvgghv gh h v jyfyjfd sdf szdsgdfgdfg sdf sdf  gdfgdfg dfgdxf dfxhdfdg hsdf hgf nfg hdv ncb ndfbxfgnsd ffg ndg hfg n dsghxf nfg ns gnf gn dhmhmdfh ngds g ndfg nfgnvbvn fdxbgd h dfhgfhg hfg hsg h gdsh sdfh gh rh fgh xdg

xbfxgmnxfhg,gu gi6u 67iyuj ykyutu kk tfyjyu kyukj kyu jrukytiukty jr ty ysetry jyje yyjtyhey  dyjrts ytyjtyryjyjerhftyjner hg hhj  y yuj trj tyj ty re gewth te rh rth gr dgsf g estg hdg h sdf gh ds g dbsdf g dsav sdf dsfg fg fh

4,8(29 оценок)

Sugata Mitra (born 12 February 1952) is an Indian computer scientist and educational theorist. He is best known for his "Hole in the Wall" experiment, and widely cited in works on literacy and education. He is Professor Emeritus at NIIT University, Rajasthan, India. A Ph.D. in theoretical physics, he retired in 2019 as Professor of Educational Technology at Newcastle University in England, after 13 years there including a year in 2012 as Visiting Professor at MIT MediaLab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. He won the TED Prize 2013.

After earning a PhD in Solid State Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, during which time he published several papers on organic semiconductors, he went on to research battery technology at the Centre for Energy Studies in the IIT, and later at the Technische Universität, Vienna. He published a paper on a zinc-chlorine battery and a speculative paper on why the human sense organs are located where they are.

He then worked setting up networked computers and created the "Yellow Pages" industry in India and Bangladesh.

Mitra's work at NIIT created the first curricula and pedagogy for that organisation, followed by years of research on learning styles, learning devices, several of them now patented, multimedia and new methods of learning. Since the 1970s, Professor Mitra's publications and work has resulted in training and development of perhaps a million young Indians, amongst them some of the poorest children in the world. Some of this work culminated in an interest in early literacy, and the Hole in the Wall experiments.

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