Yesterday I was watching National Geographic and it made me think of all this questions about animals.
Tarantulas are often hairy. Are they deadly to humans or is that a myth?
Where do hissing cockroaches live?
Stick insects usually look like sticks. Who was the first person to recognize one?
What are giant rabbits bred for? Giant rabbits are often bred for fur or meat.
Where do pirahnas live? Piranhas can never live in saltwater.
How do python snakes eat? They always coil around their prey.
What do frogs eat? Some large frogs will sometimes eat mice or other frogs.
When do parrots sleep? They usually sleep from sunset to sunrise.
When do pygmy goats faint? They faint when they're scared.
Why do lizards turn brown? They hardly ever turn brown when it's warm, they turn brown in cold.
Yesterday I was watching National Geographic and it made me think of all this questions about animals.
Tarantulas are often hairy. Are they deadly to humans or is that a myth?
Where do hissing cockroaches live?
Stick insects usually look like sticks. Who was the first person to recognize one?
What are giant rabbits bred for? Giant rabbits are often bred for fur or meat.
Where do pirahnas live? Piranhas can never live in saltwater.
How do python snakes eat? They always coil around their prey.
What do frogs eat? Some large frogs will sometimes eat mice or other frogs.
When do parrots sleep? They usually sleep from sunset to sunrise.
When do pygmy goats faint? They faint when they're scared.
Why do lizards turn brown? They hardly ever turn brown when it's warm, they turn brown in cold.
Время-10 утра
Число гостей- 12
Еда и напитки- пицца,салаты, врукты,большой торт, минеральная вода, сок, мороженое
Деятельность - игры с мячом, викторины
Я буду праздновать свой день рождения 10 сентября, утром в 10 утра,потому что тогда все свободны
Я пригласила всех моих друзей и получилось 12 человек
Мы все любим пиццу больше всего, поэтому я заказала разные виды пиццы.
К тому же у нас будут овощи и фрукты.
И конечно же вкусный торт,который моя мама обычно готовит сама
Мы будем пить сок и минеральную воду
И конечно у нас будет дессерт, мое любимое мороженое
После еды мы поиграем в разные игры с мячом и поразгадываем загадки