1. My sister thinks that a compositor is a very interesting profession.
(Моя сестра вважає, що набирач (складач, русс.: наборщик) - це дуже цікава професія.)
2. My older brother is a correspondent, so I am always one of the first to find out all the news.
(Мій старший брат — кореспордент, тому я завжди одна з перших дізнаюсь про всі новини.)
3. I don’t have to go anywhere to print some documents or photos, because I have a printing machine at home.
(Мені не потрібно нікуди йти щоб роздрукувати якісь документи або фотографії, тому що в мене вдома є принтер.) — сразу два слова, to print и machine.
4. He delivers newspapers every morning.
(Він розносить газети кожного ранку.)
5. Radio stations, telephone and television equipment are kinds of means of communication.
(Радіостанції, телефонна і телевізійна апаратура — все це види засобів зв'язку.)
6. Journalist is a profession for sociable and inquisitive people.
(Журналіст - це професія для товариських і допитливих людей. На русском лучше: Журналист - это профессия для общительныx и любознательных людей)
7. He was a public official.
(Він був державним службовцем.)
8. She has recently subscribed to this periodical.
(Вона нещодавно підписалася на цей часопис.) — сразу два слова.
9. This press does not satisfy the interests of society.
(Ця преса не задовольняє інтересів суспільства.) — сразу два слова.
10. China's foreign trade continues to grow stably.
(Зовнішня торгівля Китаю продовжує стабільно зростати.)
11. Do these paintings appeal to you?
(Чи подобаються вам ці картини?)
12. No one and nothing can fully guarantee your safety.
(Ніхто і ніщо не може повністю гарантувати вашу безпеку)
13. The world's population is increasing these days.
(Населення світу зростає з кожним днем.)
The last of the fleeing valleys were overtaken and killed by ruthless wolves.
The old bear did not answer, but thought a lot.
- Having thrown off the skin, you will not fit into it again. This is the Law of the Jungle, Kaa said.
“I lay there all evening and listened,” he answered, looking over his shoulder, “and during all this time, except for one or two times, Baldeo did not say a word of truth about the jungle, but they are at his doorstep.” How can I believe the tales of the gods, ghosts and evil spirits that he allegedly saw?
2. Will you sit next to Mary, please?
3. His wife accompanied him in all his travels.
4. They saw me (off) to a place where I took a taxi.
5. You should first see the doctor, and then go home.
6. He had changed so much that I didn’t recognize him at first.
7. Don’t wait for Peter. He’s just rung us up and told us that he
wouldn’t be able to come tonight. So we can begin without him.
8. A very funny thing happened to me yesterday.
9. He told us an interesting (thing, incident) from his life.
10.Everybody was discussing this incident when we went into the room.