1. He works in an office. 2. I like Literature and History but I don't like Maths. 3. How do you get to your office? 4. I often take part in the game "Leadership''. 5. We make presentations on different youth problems. 6. When we go sighting we take a lot of photos. 7. They often go camping. 8. His parents take care of him. 9. What do you usually do on your weekends. 10. Our students get a very good education at our college. 11. What TV programs do they like to see? 12. Which of you likes to read detectives? 13. I don't go to the swimming pool every week. 14. They often get letters from their friends. 15. He wants to become a politician when he grows up.
1) 1. The older teachers are, the more educational experience they have. 2. At this age people as a rule have their own children which also mens having experience. 3. The older they are, the more knowledge they have. 4. At this age people are more constant at their believes, views, opinins, they also seem to be more reliable.
2) 1. If teachers thavel a lot they will have knowledge of different cultures, consicuently the will be more leal (лояльный, честный) to children of different nationalities. 2. This way teachers might become more sociable and more communicative. 3. If having been travelling a lot one may have more intresting things to tell about which is quite good for a teacher. 4. Also travelling usually means self-developement which is again good for a teacher.