Hot-hotter- the hottest long -longer - the longest short shorter the shortest clever cleverer the cleverest silly sillier the silliest great greater the greatest thin thinner the thinnest thick thicker the thickest fat fatter the fattest nice nicer the nicest warm warmer the warmest cold colder the coldest small smaller the smallest tall taller the tallest hight higher the highest weak weaker the weakest strong stronger the strongest heavy heavier the heaviest light lighter the lightest dry drier the driest white winter the whitest grey greyer the greyest clean more clean the most clean dirty dirtier the dirtiest wide wider the widest deep deeper the deepest brave braver the bravest
Only if I had finished my training exercises, I would have gone to the concert.Unless children are accompanied by an adult, they can't watch this film.You can borrow my car provided you drive carefully.In case we make our decision, we will let you know immediately.As long as there is enough funding, the research will continue.In case there's a fire, leave the room.Do vote only if you like the person.You have to have access to the Internet, otherwise you cannot do the quiz.I will finish my thesis next year providing I have all my data.Supposing that you were interested in language, you could study linguistics.
Типо, ты что шутишь? Я не согласна с этим
Остальное как-то не вписывается
На мой взгляд это больше всего подходит