I have a lot of favorite books. But the book I can say to be my favorite of all is "Around the World in 80 Days" by Jules Verne. As I read this book, it truly felt like an adventure. It was as if I was too in their grand adventure around the world. When the heros of the story were happy or troubled, so was I. It truly is a book that makes you feel as if you are part of its world. How worried I felt when the main character Phileas Fogg barely made it. He thought he was already a day late, but it turned out he was wrong! And he hurried with his friends to the finish line as fast as possible, and greatfully reached in time. As I finished the book, I was saddened, for I wanted the epic adventure to continue just a little longer. But all good things must come to an end, and the finish of this book showed me this.
Если слово, оканчивающееся на ing - глагол, это будет глагол, стоящий в одном из времен Continuous. Например: "He is walking" (он гуляет), или "Mary is hunting ground squirrels" (Мэри охотится на сусликов).
Отличительной особенностью Continuous является то, что перед глаголом в ing-формеВСЕГДА будет присутствовать глагол to be в различных формах (am/is/are/was/were/been). Таким образом,е сли вы видите Ing-форму и перед ней - одно из слов, напсианных в скобочках - это глагол. И переводится он как ДЕЙСТВИЕ: "Mary is swimming in the bath" - Мэри плавает в ванной.