3 Перепишите эти предложения в отчетной речи.
«Я с радостью расставлю камеры по всему магазину», - сказал менеджер.
2 Полиция не может найти афериста, - сказал папа.
3 «Мы видели грабителя через дорогу, - рассказала женщина полиции.
4 «Мы думаем установить новую сигнализацию, - сказал владелец магазина.
5 «Мы ничего не слышали и не видели», - сказали наши соседи.
«Я куплю вам игровую приставку», - сказал мужчина своим детям.
І на українській:
3 Перепишіть ці речення у повідомленій мові.
1 Я був би радий поставити камери по всьому магазину, сказав менеджер.
2 Поліція не може знайти шахрая, сказав тато.
3 'Ми побачили грабіжника через дорогу, жінка сказала поліції.
4 'Ми думаємо встановити новий будильник, сказав власник магазину.
5 'Ми нічого не чули і не бачили', - сказали наші сусіди.
6 Я куплю для вас ігрову приставку, - сказав чоловік своїм дітям.
4. Little Tommy would love to have in another stadium.
5. The football players would like to play.
6. Alan's father hates getting up early every .
7. Susan likes going out with her friends.
8. I want to read a new book next week.
9. My friends want to climb in the mountain on Sunday.
1. My friends would like to celebrate the end of the course in Port Aventure.
2. Martha loves working with children.
3. My daughter hates playing alone.
Отрицательное предложение:
4. Little Tommy would not love to have in another stadium.
5. The football players would not like to play.
6. Alan's father does not hate getting up early every .
7. Susan does not like going out with her friends.
8. I do not want to read a new book next week.
9. My friends do not want to climb in the mountain on Sunday.
1. My friends would not like to celebrate the end of the course in Port Aventure.
2. Martha does not love working with children.
3. My daughter does not hate playing alone.
Вопросительное предложение:
4. Would Little Tommy love to have in another stadium?
5. Would the football players like to play?
6. Does Alan's father hate getting up early every?
7. Does Susan like going out with her friends?
8. Do you want to read a new book next week?
9. Do your friends want to climb in the mountain on Sunday?
1. Would your friends like to celebrate the end of the course in Port Aventure?
2. Does Martha love working with children?
3. Does your daughter hate playing alone?