I In order to discover the lifestyle of the British, books and articles is not enough. It is necessary to go to the territory of the Foggy Albion and to understand life from the inside, working or studying in the country. Culture, mentality and Outlook on life of the English people is very interesting. Very interested to know what makes Prim Englishman, after a week. It's hard to believe, but almost half of Britons like to spend Saturday and Sunday before televizorom. Britain - the country is measured and does not like fuss. People are consciously looking for a job close to home to on the road to spend no more than 10-15 minutes. The British are very cherish the time and energy. Before the work of the British calmly drink coffee and suchaut news. Towards 12 o-clock starts on lunch. No sane Brit will not miss lunch. Work the British average of 17 PM. They need to get home and prepare for dinner. INOUT the British invariably at 18.00. If someone is late to the table, the maximum food he gets is an Apple and tea with milk. Many tourists can't get used to this lifestyle very long. The Sabbath was made for typical British family - a day of shopping. Many shops in England close at six o'clock, so products buy in store. Weekend for the British is and restoring order in the garden or the house. Cleanliness and comfort take first place in the lifestyle of the English people. Everything must be spotless and Shine with cleanliness. Gardens the British are very cute.
1. Currently, it seems to me, a good education is: to understand / to listen to your child, pomogat.ne yell at him (a very bad effect on the psyche) as well as not to repeat the same sooo often (it becomes annoying)2. Prove your child that smoking / drugs / alcohol is a very serious thing, and that it is not necessary to communicate with the bad things in my life.3. Not only children who love to read, because of computers, tablets, etc.4. It does not matter, this does not exist. It is important to read the book, it distracts you from all that you are interested in history, as well as, when reading you memorize words (for example, dictation, if you do not know how to spell a word, you remember him from the book).
Дэниел: Это - мой отпуск номер один, потому что у нас есть partyю. Стюарт поднимает флаг. Папа готовит еду: хот-доги и гамбургеры, мама делает пирог. Вечером Стюарт и я освещаем фейерверк. Но Мелани не освещает фейерверк. Она маленькая.Пол: Мне нравится этот праздник, лучший из всех, потому что это находится весной. Все зелено в сельской местности. Это действительно красиво. Мама готовит традиционную еду. Я ей окрасить яйца. Наши родители дают нам шоколад bunnies*.Клэр: Этот праздник - мой первоначальный вариант, потому что мы получаем подарки. Мама всегда делает Рождественский пудинг*, это ОЧЕНЬ вкусно. Папа украшает дом и дерево Chrstmas. Сойка и я вручаем поздравительные открытки на стене и вешаем чулки на наших кроватях.
In order to discover the lifestyle of the British, books and articles is not enough. It is necessary to go to the territory of the Foggy Albion and to understand life from the inside, working or studying in the country. Culture, mentality and Outlook on life of the English people is very interesting. Very interested to know what makes Prim Englishman, after a week. It's hard to believe, but almost half of Britons like to spend Saturday and Sunday before televizorom. Britain - the country is measured and does not like fuss. People are consciously looking for a job close to home to on the road to spend no more than 10-15 minutes. The British are very cherish the time and energy. Before the work of the British calmly drink coffee and suchaut news. Towards 12 o-clock starts on lunch. No sane Brit will not miss lunch. Work the British average of 17 PM. They need to get home and prepare for dinner. INOUT the British invariably at 18.00. If someone is late to the table, the maximum food he gets is an Apple and tea with milk. Many tourists can't get used to this lifestyle very long. The Sabbath was made for typical British family - a day of shopping. Many shops in England close at six o'clock, so products buy in store. Weekend for the British is and restoring order in the garden or the house. Cleanliness and comfort take first place in the lifestyle of the English people. Everything must be spotless and Shine with cleanliness. Gardens the British are very cute.