3) Экономактивность, экономсистема, макроэкономика, микроэкономика, продуцировать, оперировать, защищать, анализировать, финансировать, производить, специализироваться, фокусироваться, поражать, сервис, школа, больница, гараж, факт, база, продукция, материал, промышленность, радио, стратегия, статус, экспорт, импорт, институт, распределение, разделение, инвестиция, история, организация, период, спектр, с/х, первоначальный, базовый, индустриализированный, ориентированный (политика), национальный, финансовый, социальный, основной, факт, база, тотальный, прежде всего, общественный.
я напишу про фильм,только про свой,ну ты скажешь,что это твой фильм. My favorite film is Hungry games. The plot of this film is about not far future. It is about the republic,called Panem. It was not good country. The poor population organized the revolt against rich population,but the revolt was suppressed and the republic was divided on 12 districts. Capitoliy,the capital of Panem decided to punish the poor population.. They organized the show,called Hungry games. On this show Capitoliy gathered 2 teenagers from every district and they had to kill each other on arena. It was the story about girl from 12 d. She had no hope to win but her dream come true and she made a long and hard way/ She made her d. rich and happy.
Over the summer I have an interesting book: The Legends of King Arthur. King Arthur is famous for the fact that he was the only one who could draw a sword from a stone, Arthur accidentally pulled it out when he was looking for a sword for his named older brother. Merlin later proclaimed him king. Then he gathers the most noble of the world: the rich and the poor, andnoble and courageous. This powerful team is the King Arthur Roundtable. They all loved to fight with swords. But, as Alexander Pichushkin said: “some died themselves”: Galahad and Percival were chosen by God, but after seeing the holy grail, they died on the spot, due to their sinlessness. meanwhile Arthur is surroundedfeuds and betrayal of his own nephew. As a result, Arthur died, his wife Guinevere died, and on their grave Lancelot Ozerny died - the head of all Christian knights, the Approved of people and the most faithful friend. Historians still can not prove whether the great king Arthur, the ruler of Britain andfounder of the Knightly Order of the Round Table. The collection of legends of King Arthur includes stories about the power of the wizard Merlin, about the love of the most noble knights of the Round Table, the search for the Holy Grail and the most beautiful ladies of Britain. These legends made a huge impression on me, and I recommend reading it to everyone.