Would you like to fly into a space?(b)
Could you read the following sentence, please?(b)
__Life is what happens to you when you'te busy making othet plans.
What on the Earth are you doing here?(a)
__Russians are the hospitable people.(c)
There's a big problem here to figure out.- b. none
She was (b) only girl in the room who could dance well.
The poor must be given a chance to study(a)
The flour used in the castle kitchen was more often of wheat(c)
The room where we sat was small and dark- b. descriptive attribute
Amy's dress was colour of gold(b)
The lion is the king of animals.- c. the generic function
She gets everything she wants as she in only child in the family(a)
People should reduce the consumption of sugar(b)
She has a natural grace that was very attractive(a)
He was proud of Repin hanging in his bedroom(a)
He's the* most talented composer.- c. самый талантливый
His table was always littered with pens, paper, notebooks.(a)
We saw a ship in the distance.- a. the spective function
After a long silence he began his story(c)
Catherine had an intelligent face with light-grey eyes(a)
Lionel Messi is the greatest player in modern football and the best footballer of all time. His perseverance, unique ability to overcome the defense of rivals and amazing feints will forever remain in the memory of fans of the game of millions. Titles, achievements and titles were fixed for him, but Messi himself claims that individual awards are in second place for him, the main thing is the success of the team.
Месси — величайший игрок современного футбола и лучший футболист всех времен. Его упорство, уникальная преодолевать защиту соперников и потрясающие финты навсегда останутся в памяти поклонников игры миллионов. За ним закрепились титулы, достижения и звания, но сам Месси утверждает, что индивидуальные награды для него на втором месте, главное — успех команды.