I work nights. I get to work at 8 in the evening , and I finish work at 5.30 in the morning. When I get home, I'm not tired because it's getting light and I don't want to sleep. In fact, I feel energetic, and I usually go for a run. When I come back, I have a shower and change my clothes. Then I have breakfast , but I'm not sure if it's breakfast or dinner! After my meal I normally feel tired, so I go to bed at about 9. I always watch a film for an hour or so. I don't have an alarm clock, and I always wake up between 4 and 5 in the afternoon and usually read a newspaper. I get up about 6, then start getting ready for work. My job's great - we have long breaks, so if I'm tired, I can usually have a nap for 20 minutes or so, and then I feel much better. And at weekends I don't go anywhere - I just relax in front of the TV.
My second house will be smarter than the first one.
Basketball is the third most popular game in the USA. People enjoy both watching and playing it.
I prefer my good old Nokia. It’s my first mobile phone.
About 150 years ago it became a luxurious farm house and then in the early part of the twentieth century it became a hunting and fishing lodge.
November 21. Today, I took the entire fifth grade on a fieldtrip to the state capital. It was incredible!
It's the fifteenth largest country on Earth. But more than 90 percent of Libya is desert, and there's not a single permanent river in Libya!