Я очень люблю летние каникулы. Здесь тепло, и у меня много свободного времени на свежем воздухе. Обычно я провожу июнь на берегу моря. Мы едем в Сочи. Мы с родителями бывали там несколько раз. Это хороший город, и здесь есть много интересных мест, которые можно увидеть.
Погода обычно хорошая. Жарко, солнце светит весь день. Я люблю купаться в Черном море и загорать на пляже.
В июле родители уезжают на работу, а я-в спортивный лагерь. Лагерь расположен недалеко от нашего города, и нам требуется два часа, чтобы добраться туда. У нас там много интересных дел. Рядом с нашим лагерем есть лес, и по утрам мы собираем ягоды и грибы.
Днем мы играем в игры, плаваем в реке, читаем книги и журналы. Вечером мы танцуем, гуляем, играем в шахматы и смотрим телевизор.
Когда наступает август я уезжаю в деревню погостить
1. They are happy because their child (has entered) the university 2. It (was) great to see her last week. 3. sorry I (have not phoned) you earlier. 4. He was very sorry to hear that you (had not come) in time.5. We hoped they (had got) home before the rain (started) 6. I am glad he has already ( returned) from his business trip 7. Whenever I (was driving) past that restaurant, there always (were) a lot of people. 8. Have you ever (been) to an open-air concert? 9. My parents were angry because I (had not passed) my exam. 10. His brother told him that he (had eaten) all the fruit which he (bought). 11. At this time two weeks ago we (were lying) on the beach. 12. Beth (became) pale when she heard the news. 13. I (was not ) impressed with his new car when I (saw) it yesterday 14. The Aztecs (were) an American Indian tribe who (lived) in Mexico. 15. Yesterday when I ( looked) out of my window, I(saw) that my children (were running) in the garden. 16. I (have not spoken) to you since last week. 17. I was sure he has always (been) your best friend 18. Janet has never ( taken) part in the concerts. 19. When she (came) home, her son (was havinge) supper. 20. I(had read) all the articles before mother (came).
3.We will have passed all the exams by the 20th of June.
4The builders wiil have built this school by the 1st of September.
5. I will have written this lettwr by the time when the secretary comes.
6. The train will have gone by the time when we get to the station.