Sugar sand - 1 glass;300 grams of wheat flour;Three pieces of chicken eggs;Melt margarine (can be oil) - 130 grams;5 grams of baking powder;Raisins - 100 grams;A little table salt;A pack of vanillin.Preparation: First, eggs are broken into the bowl, we pour out the sugar and spread the melted margarine to them. Everything is beaten with a whisk to a lush mass; Next, add kefir to the mass and also whisk it well;After that, we begin to slowly pour in wheat flour, stirring. Also, together with flour, add vanillin, baking powder and a pinch of salt;In the dough, fall asleep raisins and evenly mix. Then pour the dough into a baking dish or small cake molds;The oven needs to be warmed up to 180 degrees. Further the form with the test is put there and all is baked 30-40 minutes;Baked cupcakes can be served hot
... листы прозрачной пленки, которые называются "зарисовки", а затем их переснимают. Каждый рисунок слегка отличен от предыдущего. Например, при движении персонажа, когда пленка проецируется со скоростью 24 кадра в секунду. Компьютерная анимация очень похожа на пленочную проекцию. Прежде чем мультфильм начнут делать, кто то решает о чем будет этот сюжет, а затем придумывают историю к нему. Только вместо использования карандашей люди, которые рисуют, используют специальные компьютерные программы. Когда добавляется одно движение компьютерная программа используется для визуализации анимации, что проще и быстрее. Самый последний шаг - это компоновка всего этого в фильм - в один большой файл со всеми картинками и движениями, которые составлены из множества различных раздельных файлов. Только тогда вы сможете увидеть эти файлы как обычное кино
1. Yes I do, they mean that if a person is healthy then he can make good decisions. 2. I try to keep to a healthy diet and do morning exercises, it is important because I don't like to be ill. 3. They say so because too skinny can be weak and obese have difficulties with health. We can control our weight by keeping to a diet, but it is not always possible because sometimes we have to have a quick snack because of lack of time. 4. I try to have regular and varied meals, but it's not always possible. Fruit and vegetables are good for my health and fried and heavy fast-food is not. 5. I take much exercises I go to the swimming pool as I prefer to swim, sometimes I jog in the morning. 6. I try to get enough sleep but sometimes I don't keep to regular hours. 7. Every day I walk to and from school and sometimes play football if the weather is good. 8. I don't often catch colds. Maybe once a year and it depends on a season. If I feel that I'm coming down with a cold, I drink a cup of hot tea with lemon and go to bed. 9. Sometimes I take medicine if a doctor prescribes me to do it. Of course I don't cure disease myself, I follow doctor's advice. 10. Sure, it is very dangerous not to pay attention to such sympthoms. It can lead to a serious problem with health.
First, eggs are broken into the bowl, we pour out the sugar and spread the melted margarine to them. Everything is beaten with a whisk to a lush mass;
Next, add kefir to the mass and also whisk it well;After that, we begin to slowly pour in wheat flour, stirring. Also, together with flour, add vanillin, baking powder and a pinch of salt;In the dough, fall asleep raisins and evenly mix. Then pour the dough into a baking dish or small cake molds;The oven needs to be warmed up to 180 degrees. Further the form with the test is put there and all is baked 30-40 minutes;Baked cupcakes can be served hot