Позитивные: He was an author in the past. She looked like a star yesterday. He played in the playground. She cooked a soup. They tried be a friends. He lost their money. It was easy. He began read this book. I was in love with her. A magazine was like a interesting book. Негативные: He didn't look amazing. She was the funniest person in the class. It wasn't cheap! Did he sleep yesterday night? It wasn't bad journey. It was the main thing in the control work. They didn't look better. You wasn't lovely with me. Nothing was good. We were champions of the USA.
1. This dish must be served now. (Это блюдо должны подать сейчас) mustn't переводится=нельзя, следовательно мы изменим смысл предложения, если используем этот модальный глагол. Но можно заменить этот модальный глагол его эквивалентом, и тогда мы получим просто отрицательное предложение, не искажая смысла. This dish (doesn't need to be) doesn't have to be served now. ( Это блюдо не нужно (нет необходимости) подавать сейчас) Must this dish be served now? 2. There are some foreign students in the group. Are there ANY foreign students in the group? There are NO(AREN'T ANY) foreign students in the group. 3. That man has been to Australia several times. Has that man (ever)been to Australia? That man hasn't been to Australia. 4. I have been learning English all my life. I haven't been learning English all my life. Have you been learning English all your life?
А потом все вложи в портфолио