1. He isn’t watching / doesn’t watch a match now. He is in the library.
2. Paddy often watches / is often watching football matches with his friends.
3. Do you work / Are you working or I can come in?
4. My English is getting / gets a lot better.
5. He usually stays / is staying in his flat in London, but he is staying / stays with his parents at the moment.
6. I spend / am spending more time with my girlfriend these days.
7. We don’t write/ aren’t writing to each other very often.
We use simple and progressive tenses with action verbs.
The meaning of the verb doesn’t change.
I often eat fruit.→ I’m eating an apple now.
I go home at lunchtime. .→I’m going home now.
Мы можем использовать только простые (неопределенные) времена глаголов, не обозначающих действия (e.g. believe, belong, hate, know, like, love, need, prefer, see, understand).
I want to be alone.
Yes, I remember now.
know realize understand recognize
believe feel suppose think*
imagine doubt remember forget
want need prefer mean
love like appreciate hate
dislike fear envy mind
possess have* own belong
taste* smell* hear feel*
seem look* appear* cost
owe weigh* be* exist
consist of contain include
Глаголы, отмеченные звездочкой, могут также использоваться в длительных временах, но с другим значением, как в следующих предложениях:
Nonprogressive Progressive
I think he is a kind man. I am thinking
about this grammar.
He has a car. I am having
This food tastes good. The chef is tasting
a sauce.
These flowers smell good. Don is smelling
the roses.
2) d
3) c
4) a
5) d
6) b
7) c
8) b
9) b
10) d