Put to the sentences all types of questions: 1. dr. black was the originator of the new view of heat. 2. the idea came from the study of the conversion of coal to power that had already been achieved in practice by steam engine
1. Dr. Black was the originator of the new view of heat, wasn't he? Was Dr. Black the originator of the new view of heat? Was Dr. Black or his son the originator of the new view of heat? When was Dr. Black the originator of the new view of heat? Who was the originator of the new view of heat?
2. The idea came from the study of the conversion of coal to power that had already been achieved in practice by steam engine, didn't it? What came from the study of the conversion of coal to power that had already been achieved in practice by steam engine? Did the idea come from the study of the conversion of coal? Did the idea come from the study of the conversion of coal or iron? Where did idea come from?
1 Was Dr. Black the originator of the new view of heat? ( общий вопрос ) 2 Who was the originator of the new view of heat? (Вопрос к подлежащему ) 3 What was Dr. Black the originator of? (Специальный вопрос ) 4 Was Dr . Black the originator of the new view of heat or of the new view of energy ? (альтернатиный вопрос ) 5 Dr . Black was the originator of the new view of heat, wasn't he? ( разделительный вопрос ) II 1 Did the idea come from the study of the convertion of coal to power that had already been achieved in practice by steam engine ? (Общий вопрос ) 2 What did come from the study of the convertion of coal power that had already been achieved in practice by steam engine? (Вопрос к подлежащему ) 3 What did the idea come from? (Специальный вопрос ) 4 Did the idea come from the study of the convertion of coal power that had already been achieved in practice by steam engine or by any other source? (альтернатиный вопрос ) 5 The idea came from the study of the convertion of coal power that had already been achieved in practice by steam engine, wasn't it? (разделительный вопрос )
В летние каникулы закончились. Вы вернулись в школу. Сейчас настало время подготовиться к новому учебному году. Шестой класс является важным этапом. Вот несколько советов, которые вам в новом учебном году. Не откладывайте свою домашнюю работу. Делайте её в тот же день. Таким образом, вы отработаете то, что вы делали в классе, и запомните это лучше. Выспаться. Ложитесь спать рано. Это вам лучше учиться. Собирайте школьную сумку вечером. Это сэкономит много времени утром. Убедитесь, что у вас в пенале есть запасные ручка и карандаш. Может быть, они понадобятся вам или вашему другу. Подготовьте одежду вечером. Это позволит также сэкономить много времени утром. Всегда готовьтесь к контрольной заранее времени, а не вечером перед ней. Если вы готовитесь за 2 или 3 дня до контрольной, вы будете помнить больше и напишете её лучше.
My English classroom isn`t large. There are 4 windows in the classroom. There are curtains on the windows. There are 5 bookcases, 13 desks, 26 chairs, a blackboard, a teacher`s table, a teacher`s chair in the classroom. There are a lot of different plants in my classroom. The blackboard is on the wall. Three bookcases are at the wall to the left of the door and two bookcases are at the wall opposite the blackboard. The teacher`s table is near the window. The teacher`s chair is at the teacher`s table. There are many books on the teacher`s table. Three walls are green. The floor is brown. The door is white. I think my classroom is comfortable. I like my classroom. Я писала про свою классную комнату, надеюсь, ничего страшного?
Was Dr. Black the originator of the new view of heat?
Was Dr. Black or his son the originator of the new view of heat?
When was Dr. Black the originator of the new view of heat?
Who was the originator of the new view of heat?
2. The idea came from the study of the conversion of coal
to power that had already been achieved in practice by
steam engine, didn't it?
What came from the study of the conversion of coal
to power that had already been achieved in practice by
steam engine?
Did the idea come from the study of the conversion of coal?
Did the idea come from the study of the conversion of coal or iron?
Where did idea come from?