Lesya Ukrainka is a pen name of Larisa Kosach. She was born in Novograd-Volynsky on February 15, 1871. Lesya’s father was a lawyer and her mother was a Ukrainian wtiter. She wrote under pen name Olena Pchilka.
Lesya was the second child of Ukrainian writer and publisher Olha Drahomanova-Kosach (better known under her literary pseudonym Olena Pchilka). Mykhaylo Petrovych Drahomanov, a well-known Ukrainian scientist, historian, philosopher, and folklorist was a brother of Drahomanova-Kosach.
Ukrainka’s mother played a significant role in her upbringing. Ukrainian language was the only language used in the household. Children were educated by Ukrainian tutors at home, in order to avoid schools that taught Russian as the primary language.
Lesya had close ties with distinguished public and cultural figures of her time and that had a great influence in her formation as a poet. Among her friends there were the composer M. Lysenko, the poet M. Kostomarov, and the poet V. Samoylenko.
HEDGEHOG: I AM THINKING about a present to Nusha. I DON`T KNOW what to give her. I HAVE NOT CHOSEN yet. Maybe, I WILL GIVE her a cactus.
KROSH: Yesterday you SHOWED me a big collection of cactuses. Why not to take one of them?
HEDGEHOG: I HAVE BEEN HAVING this collection for many years. And I LIKE all of my plants very much.
KROSH: Let's go to the desert and find a new one.
The friends went to the desert. They SAW many cactuses, but Hedgehog DIDN`T LIKE them. At last he CRIED : "I HAVE FOUND a cactus with a very beautiful flower. I think, Nusha WILL LIKE it." They TOOK the cactus and WENT back. Their way WAS really difficult.
HEDGEHOG: Krosh, I think, we LOST our way.
KROSH: It IS so sad. Our friends ARE CELEBRATING Nusha's birthday now, and we ARE STANDING in the middle of the sand.
HEDGEHOG: Look! A balloon IS FLYING in the sky. It says "Happy birthday". Let's go after the balloon.
At last they CAME to Nusha's house. Everybody WAS very happy.