1fill in the gaps with the infinitive or the past simple form of the verbs. — knew read — — told — met think — — found — went get - take — see — — flew - had — made come — — fell — chose
To know— knew To read — read To tell— told To meet— met To think — thought To find— found To go — went To get - got To take — took To see — saw To fly- flew To have- had To make— made To come — came To fall — fell To choose— chose
7.45 It's a quarter to eight. 16.10 It's ten minutes past four (p.m) 18.40 It's twenty minutes to seven (p.m) 00.00 It's a midnight. 09.05 It's five minutes past nine (a.m) 17.15 It's a quarter past five (p.m) 08.20 It's twenty minutes past eight (a.m) 11.11 It's eleven minutes past eleven (a.m) 06.04 It's four minutes past six (a.m) 10.00 It's ten o'clock (a.m) 09.55 It's five minutes to ten. 12.30 It's half past twelve. 16.45 It's a quarter to five. 18.10 It's ten minutes past six. 14.50 It's ten minutes to three.
7.45 It's a quarter to eight. 16.10 It's ten minutes past four (p.m) 18.40 It's twenty minutes to seven (p.m) 00.00 It's a midnight. 09.05 It's five minutes past nine (a.m) 17.15 It's a quarter past five (p.m) 08.20 It's twenty minutes past eight (a.m) 11.11 It's eleven minutes past eleven (a.m) 06.04 It's four minutes past six (a.m) 10.00 It's ten o'clock (a.m) 09.55 It's five minutes to ten. 12.30 It's half past twelve. 16.45 It's a quarter to five. 18.10 It's ten minutes past six. 14.50 It's ten minutes to three.
To read — read
To tell— told
To meet— met
To think — thought
To find— found
To go — went
To get - got
To take — took
To see — saw
To fly- flew
To have- had
To make— made
To come — came
To fall — fell
To choose— chose