I. Определите, в предложениях, видовременные формы глаголов и указать их инфинитив.
1. Farm machinery changed the life and work on our farm. - Past Simple Active
2. The workers will have built the canal by the time I come. - Future Perfect Active
3. The scientists are working on an interesting problem for obtaining power from atom.- Present Continuous Active
4. The paper contains a lot of formulas and equations. - Present Simple Active
5. Computers have found wide application in science and technology in recent years. - Present Perfect Active
II. Подчеркните в каждом предложении модальный глагол или его эквивалент.
1. Natural balance must not be destroyed.
2. We have to introduce many fertilizers to enrich the soil.
3. A true scientist should work for his people
III. Подчеркнуть ParticipleI, ParticipleII, установить функции каждого из них, то есть укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого.
1. Water becomes ice when cooled. - обстоятельство (охлаждаясь)
2. Rivers connected by canals form long waterways. - определение (соединенные)
3. Using this irrigation method the farm gets good result.- обстоятельство (используя)
1) Your question is being discussed now by us.
2) The cases are being counted by customs officer.
3) The buyers were being informed by the agent about the arrival of the steamer.
4) Their reports were being looked through by the professor all day long.
5) He is being monitored by them night and day.
6) The tennis court was being used by some people, so we couldn't play.
7) A new Xerox in the office was being installed by this man.
8) The mistakes were being pointed out to us by her and she was attentively listened to by us.
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