When I was at school, I was especially good in chemistry, biology, and in other subjects everything was fine. At school, I got into the habit of helping people when I need help, provide any support. After that I decided that I’ll choose the direction of the profession - “medical assistant.” I was interested in watching the work of doctors in clinics, ambulances, walking down the street. I started watching TV shows, films about medicine, reading informative literature! To achieve my goal, I began to work more Having entered the entrance test for a high score, I entered the ranks of the Medical College, enrolled in the Faculty of "Medicine" of the budget department. I have to study hard and hard to become a good specialist in my field, to be able to help people. The job duties of my profession are : the implementation of any medical care; the diagnosis of typical most common diseases + prescription of treatment; the provision of first aid, assist the doctor in operations, to take normal birth; sanitary inspection; documentation; anti-epidemic measures, etc. There are certainly career options in this profession, there would be a desire.
I have many ways to take my free time. For example, if I get tired during the day, I can read a book or watch TV, listen to music, play computer games. I also like to walk in the park, cook. I like to see my friends, together we can go to the cinema or play sports.
У меня есть много провести свободное время. Например, если днем я устану, я могу почитать книгу или посмотреть телевизор, послушать музыку, поиграть в компьютерные игры. Еще люблю гулять по парку, готовить. Я люблю видеться с друзьями, вместе можем пойти в кино или заняться спортом.
2. Чтобы выразить процент десятичной дробью или натуральным числом, нужно число, стоящее перед знаком %, разделить на 100.
Например: 64%=64%/100%=0,64
3. Чтобы найти проценты от числа, надо: 1) перевести % в десятичную дробь (для этого следует разделить количество процентов на 100); 2) умножить эту дробь на данное в задаче число.