Напишите сочинение на тему: "как я провела лето" на языке. кратко 6-8 предложений. в рассказе должно идти про лагерь. если вы катаете с интернету, лучше не пишите, помечу как спам. , удачи! )
After my hard and busy school year my summer holidays began. I felt happy when hard and busy school year finished and summer holidays began. I started to plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vocation.
I was dreaming about visiting far south countries I always wanted to visit. For example, I dreamed to visit, Greece islands or Spanish beaches.
But it's only dreams. I did nothing for the whole day. My summer holidays reminded me of my cat. Because I only did something that I ate, drank, slept and usually spent my time on the Internet. I can say that this is the worst summer in my life. And so I came to school and my suffering began again
1) i usually go to work in the morning. 2) their french partners come once a year. 3) do not go there , please. 4) they sometimes go to sochi. 5) he working for a company that produces cars . 6) where he usually dines with foreign partners ? 7) you responsible for the collection (to collect) information about the market? 8 ) employees of the company have the skills international communication. 9) where do you drive going? 10) they go out of town (the countryside) every summer. 11) with our clients she meets two once a month. 12) who runs this young man ? 13) for which the employee is responsible . 14) they produce a great paper. 15) how often do you travel? 16) come visit us at any time. 17 ) what this company produces clothes ?
Big, bigger, the biggest (большой, больше, самый большой) sad, sadder, the saddest (грустный, печальный) red, redder, the reddest (красный) flat, flatter, the flattest (плоский) fat, fatter, the fattest (толстый) mad, madder, the maddest (сумаcшедший, бешеный) hot, hotter, the hottest (горячий) thin, thinner, the thinnest (тонкий, худой) wet, wetter, the wettest (сырой, мокрый) fit, fitter, the fittest (подходящий) fine, finer, the finest (замечательный, прекрасный) brave, braver, the bravest (храбрый, смелый) pale, paler, the palest (бледный) large, larger, the largest (большой) late, later, the latest (поздний) white, whiter, the whitest (белый) nice, nicer, the nicest (приятный, хороший, милый) simple, simpler, the simplest (простой)
noble, nobler, the noblest (благородный) stable, stabler, the stablest (устойчивый) free, freer, the freest (свободный, бесплатный) heavy, heavier, the heaviest (тяжёлый) tall, taller, the tallest (высокий) green, greener, the greenest (зелёный) new, newer, the newest (новый) short, shorter, the shortest (короткий) great, greater, the greatest (великий) warm, warmer, the warmest (тёплый) fresh, fresher, the freshest (свежий) light, lighter, the lightest (светлый, лёгкий) cold, colder, the coldest (холодный) full, fuller, the fullest (полный) thick, thicker, the thickest (густой) long, longer, the longest (длинный) sweet, sweeter, the sweetest (сладкий) high, higher, the highest (высокий) poor, poorer, the poorest (бедный) small, smaller, the smallest (маленький) clear, clearer, the clearest (чистый) quick, quicker, the quickest (быстрый) free, freer, the freest (свободный, бесплатный) heavy, heavier, the heaviest (тяжёлый) hearty, heartier, the heartiest (сердечный) early, earlier, the earliest (ранний) tiny, tinier, the tiniest (крошечный) lazy, lazier, the laziest (ленивый) angry, angrier, the angriest (сердитый) busy, busier, the busiest (оживлённый, занятой) happy, happier, the happiest (счастливый) dry, drier, the driest (сухой) shy, shier, the shiest (застенчивый, скромный) sly, slier, the sliest (хитрый, лукавый) lovely, lovelier, the loveliest (хорошенький) dirty, dirtier, the dirtiest (грязный) funny, funnier, the funniest (смешной, забавный) pretty, prettier, the prettiest (красивый, хорошенький) grey, greyer, the greyest (серый) gay, gayer, the gayest (весёлый) good, better, the best (хороший) bad, worse, the worst (плохой) little, less, the least (маленький) far, farther, the farthest (далёкий) far, further, the furthest (далёкий) near, nearer, the nearest (близкий) old, older, the oldest (старый) old, elder, the eldest (старший) difficult, more difficult, the most difficult (трудный) beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful (прекрасный) careful, more careful, the most careful (заботливый, осторожный) attractive, more attractive, the most attractive (привлекательный) attentive, more attentive, the most attentive (внимательный) experienced, more experienced, the most experienced (опытный) dangerous, more dangerous, the most dangerous (опасный)
I was dreaming about visiting far south countries I always wanted to visit. For example, I dreamed to visit, Greece islands or Spanish beaches.
But it's only dreams. I did nothing for the whole day. My summer holidays reminded me of my cat. Because I only did something that I ate, drank, slept and usually spent my time on the Internet.
I can say that this is the worst summer in my life.
And so I came to school and my suffering began again