1. We can to write well. 2. She can enter. 3. You must speak in English with your friends. 4. You can take a dictionary, I don't need. 5. Katya is not sick, you can visit her. 6. My father can drive a car. 7. We must do this task by Monday. 8. Today, you will have to get up early. 9. He can borrow books from the library. 10. She must tell him about it. 11. You can stay there until the evening. 12. You can do it without my help. 13. I must call him in the evening. 14. You can come if you have any questions. 15. I need to buy some books.
I don't like ghost stories because when I read such stories it seems to me that a ghost walks somewhere in our house or watches me. That's why I don't enjoy reading ghost stories though I understand perfectly well that ghosts don't exist in reality. But still I'm afraid of seeing a ghost at night in my dream after reading a ghost story. Я не люблю истории о призраках, потому что, когда я читаю такие истории, мне кажется, что призрак где-то ходит по нашему дому и наблюдает за мной. Вот почему я не люблю читать истории о привидениях, хотя я прекрасно понимаю, что призраки не существуют в реальности. Но все же я боюсь увидеть призрака во сне после прочтения рассказа о нём.