Summer is a terrific time. I was looking forward to the holidays with great anticipation, and at last they came. During the first week of vacation, together with the children from the art school, I went to the open-air. We there depicted flowers, trees, grass, and much more. After the film festival, I went to the village several times. We went there with the whole family to help grandma and grandfather. Sometimes I stayed in the village to spend the night. And when I returned home, I visited my girlfriends and went with them to walk. And then the hot beach season began. My sister and I went almost daily to the beach, where we bathed and sunbathed. Alas ... Summer rushed very quickly! And it's time for school again.
It was very cool summer. But we enjoyed! We walked in forest, found mushrooms. When was rainy we read books or walked with umbrella. Больше придумать не могу.
A financial intermediary is an institution that specializes in bringing lenders and borrowers together. - Финансовый посредник-это организация, которая специализируется на привлечении кредиторов и заемщиков вместе.
To pay for your shopping you write a cheque against your deposit at Barclays. - Чтобы оплачивать свои покупки вы подписываете чек от вашего депозита в Барклейсе.
The clearing banks are so named because they have a central clearing house for handling payments by cheque. - Клиринговые банки названы так потому, что они имеют центральный Клиринговый дом " для обработки платежей чеком.
Thus the system of clearing cheques represents another way society reduces the costs of making transactions. - Таким образом, система клиринговых чеков представляет собой еще один сокращения издержек по заключению сделки.
Crediting or debiting one bank's account at another bank is the simplest way of achieving this. - Зачисление или списание одного банковского счета на другой Банк-это самый простой достичь этого.
The details of banking system vary from country to country but the general principle is much the same everywhere.-Подробности банковской системы варьируются от страны к стране, однако общий принцип везде одинаков.
A bus has been stolen from outside the school. The thief was seen by some children. The bus is searched by police. The children’s description will be used to catch the thief. The local jewellery shop was broken by someone yesterday. This shop was locked up by the owner but robber with gun threatened him. He was told to unlock the shop and to give robber all diamonds in the safe. Then the robber tied him up. A search for the robber was organized by the police. They hope he will be found in a few days. The owner of shop was treated for chock by doctors.