1. probably / the competition / won't / our team / win / .
2. to buy / could / a new computer / afford / you / ?
3. a laptop / give / might / my parents / me / .
4. may / for swimming / the water / be / too cold / .
5. to come / I'll probably / with me / my mum / ask / .
6. that Alfie / I'm sure / see / couldn't / us / .
Put each sentence into the correct order.
1. Our team won't probably win the competition.
2. Could you afford to buy a new computer?
3. My parents might give me a laptop.
4. The water may be too cold for swimming.
5. I'll probably ask my mum to come with me.
6. I'm sure that Alfie couldn't see us.
Ладно, шучу!
Nowadays, the dreams and aspirations of teenagers around the world are different. Someone wants to find a true love, someone wants to go to a good university. I personally want ___ Здесь Вы указываете свои собственные желания. Приведу свой пример: I personally want to gain a lot of knowledge, learn languages, travel and enjoy my life.
Перевод: В наши дни мечты и стремления подростков по всему миру отличаются. Кто-то хочет найти настоящую любовь, кто-то поступить в хороший университет. Лично я хочу ___
Мой пример: Лично я хочу получить много знаний, учить языки, путешествовать и наслаждаться своей жизнью.
The house is nice and cosy.
I have got an orange.
The orange is juicy.
New York is a cosmopolitan city.
I like the city.