In Russian cuisine lot of tasty original soups: cabbage soup, borsch, ear.As
There are complex baking type of pie.
In American kitchen simple food reign beans, maize. A lot of baking with fruit and chocolate. And as a matter of American cuisine in General there are no, there are different cultures have made their own.
Similarity - the final product is considered to be food.
Differences in American kitchen the final product may be considered to be a meal only with the big stretch.As Russian cuisine-it is always useful,sometimes вкусно.Американская is always useless,never good.
Witch (1.put)a King's son under a spell. She (2.shut) him in a great iron Chest. Then, with the help of her magic she (3.hide) the Prince,Chest,and all, in the middle of a lonely forest. No one (4.know) what (5.become) of the Prince,The Prince's father (6.send) men far and wide but they (7.Can,not) (8.find) him.Year after year the Chest (9.stand) there in great wild forest. It so (10.happen) that a King's daughter (11.lose) her way in that forest.She (12.walk) for nine days and suddenly she (13.see) some strange Chest (14.stand) in front of her.She also (15.hear) the Chest (16.speak). The Chest (17.want) (18.know) where the girl (19.come) from and where she (20.go).She (21.answer) she (22.lose) her way.The foice from the Chest (23.say) it ( the if she (25.promise) (26.come) back and (27.marry) him. She (28.agree)