process engineer, electrician, locksmith, assembler, carpenter, seamstress, electric gas welder, car driver, bulldozer driver, plasterer-painter.
Accuracy, certainty of actions, high performing discipline, accuracy, responsibility, practical thinking, technical imagination are required. High demands are placed on vision, hearing, muscle sensitivity, attention, and the most diverse types of memory.
trainer, lawyer, psychologist, teacher, nurse, waiter, salesperson, manager, social worker, advertising agent, consultant.
Special training is required to work in a specific area of production, science, technology, art. Personal qualities are important: stable, good mood in the process of working with people; the need for communication, the ability to mentally put oneself in the place of another person, to quickly understand the intentions, thoughts, moods of people; the ability to understand human relationships, good memory; the ability to find a common language with different people, patience.
he will take part in marathon day after tomorrow -он примет участие в марафоне послезавтра
will you have your lunch at 12 o'clock?-ты будешь обедать в 12?
my family and I will go to Egypt next summer- я со своей семьёй поеду в Египет следующим летом
she will not(won't) do it without asking- она не сделает этого без разрешения