Сейчас .
Задание 1:
1. Is watching.
2. Study.
3. Play.
4. Is reading.
5. Go.
6. Is cleaning.
7. Are speaking.
8. Eat.
9. Is sleeping.
10. Runs.
Задание 2.
1. Is working.
2. Works.
3. Am reading.
4. Have.
5. Are having.
6. Does.
7. Is doing.
8. Is traveling.
10. Sings.
На все 100% правильно, у меня 5 за год по англ.
Present Simple:
Do - You, we, they, I.
Does - He, she, it
В Present Simple у местоимений: He, She, It к глаголам прибавляется -s если заканчивается на гласную, если на согласную то -es. Это только у местоим. He, She, It.
He works very hard.
We play every Friday.
Present Continuous:
I - am.
You, We, They - are.
He, She, It - is.
у глаголов появится только окончание -ing.
He is going to the cinema today.
I am reading now.
1. If the weather is nice tomorrow, she will walk along the river to school.
2. If you help me move tomorrow, I will treat you to a dinner and a movie.
3. If I were in Tahiti right now, I would be snorkelling along a beautiful reef.
4. Tina's train arrived ahead of schedule. If I hadn't decided to go to the train station early, she would have waited there for more than twenty minutes before I arrived.
5. If I had passed the test, I would have got an "A" in the class. Instead, I got a "C." I really should have studied more.
6. If I were rich, I would have bought that new Mercedes we saw yesterday.
7. If Heather spoke Chinese, she would have translated the email for you yesterday.
8. If you took more exercise, you would feel better.
9. I'm sure Sue would understand if you explained the situation to her.