In recent years social media has become deeply integrated in our everyday lives. The concept of social media itself includes several categories: blogs, live journals, forums, chats, dating sites and, of course, social networking sites or SNS. Essentially, they all are platforms for people’s remote communication, i.e. exchange of different types of information: text messages, music, photo and video content. The most popular with the young people are social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vkontakte and so on. On the one hand, a social network is a very convenient tool for a quick message exchange, searching for old friends and making new acquaintances, keeping important information and discussing pressing issues in groups, right in the comfort of one’s home
Sam likes sports books but she doesn't have much time to read books she likes. She enjoys the reading of sports books and magazines. Sam likes the books of these genres. She finds reading difficult.