Usually I feel exhausted at the end of the academic year. Do you know that first grade is full of exciting first steps? I was named after my grandmother. My house is surrounded with a fence.
Indian academic year begins in June. She is a first-grade teacher. Let's name our son after my great-great-grandfather. The house is surrounded with trees.
1. Do you live near THE school? 2. What is largest city in THE world? 3 This street is longest in THE town. 4 Next year we will go to THE Black Sea coast. 5 Who was first man to THE fly into space? 6. What city is capital of THE United States? 7. What did you have for THE lunch? 8 Take pen and make exercise in THE written form. 9 In spring sky is blue and THE sun is shining 10 Peter is THE tallest 11 Dicionaries cannot be used at THE examination 12 We came into THE nearest shop 13 Spring is THE best time for planting 14 Rostov is situated on THE right bank of Don 15 What do you usually have for THE breakfast? 16. Who is man at THE table - He is teacher.
.Он учился в канадской школе.Он ... знает английский и французский. 2. Джессика пишет о чудесах природы. Она ... много путешествует. 3.Вчера,ее сын заболел и она ... осталась дома. 4.Мой старший брат хочет быть музыкантом. Он ... - играет на скрипке в течение нескольких часов каждый день. 5.Студенты опоздали на автобус и они ... пошли в школу по дождю. 6.Если вы хотите узнать больше о Стоунхендже,вы ... прочитаете эту книгу. 7.Я не могу играть в футбол в этот день,я ... готовлюсь к экзамену. Пример: Энн 6. Она ... пойдет в школу в сентябре.- Ей придется пройти, чтобы
Do you know that first grade is full of exciting first steps?
I was named after my grandmother.
My house is surrounded with a fence.