Moscow is beatiful country!i like Mocow!every day i like walk with my family !it is very fun and i can see beatiful place of moscow! every year many turist s visit our contry!every people love Mocsow Russia!Because it is beatiful country with perfect nature!
It is believed that the first Benedictine church on this site was built during the reign of King Sæberht of Essex, in the VII century. Around 960, she has been greatly expanded with the support of the holy Dunstan King Edgar. Then it was the Thorney Island at the confluence of the River Thames at Tyburn; later, when the influence of the abbey has increased significantly, the area became known as Westminster, from the English. West Minster - Western Church (the Eastern Church was St. Paul's Cathedral). Edward the Confessor, settling in the nearby Palace of Westminster, decided to rebuild the church. Work began in 1042. December 28, 1065, a few days before his death, the church was consecrated, although construction was completed only in 1090.
Настоящее время.1. jim says that nelly has already recovered.2. bill says that caroline nodded to him when he saw her.3. jack said that the picture fell from the wall 3 days ago.4. ann says that the doctor examined her throat.5. fred says it hurt him to swallow.6. tom says that they have bought the medicine.7. john says that they felt excited.8. sue tells me to join them. прошедшее время.1. jim said that nelly had already recovered.2. bill said that caroline had nodded to him when he had seen her.3. jack said that the picture had fallen from the wall 3 days before.4. ann said that the doctor had examined her throat.5. fred said it hurt him to swallow.*6. tom said that they had bought the medicine.7. john said that they had felt excited.8. sue told me to join them. * - данный глагол является неправильным и всё его формы прошедшего времени одинаковы (hurt-hurt-hurt). в данном случае контекст не даёт возможности понять в каком времени стоит глагол. поэтому, если в прямой речи глагол стоит в настоящем времени, то в косвенной речи останется hurt. но если же данный глагол в прямой речи стоит в прошедшем времени, то в косвенной речи будет had hurt.