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Hey hey hey my friend who speaking English. How are you? What you doing? The weather today nice. I'm living in the Kazakhstan Karagandi city. I love chikens. What do you like?
There was a time, when birds couldn't sing. And suddenly they found out that in one distant country lives an old, wise man who teaches music. Then the birds were sent to him of the Stork and the Nightingale to check this out. The stork was in a hurry. He couldn't wait to be the first musician in the world. He was in a hurry, rushed to the sage and even the door didn't knock, didn't say Hello with the old man, and struggling shouted in his ear: — Hey, old man! Come on, teach me music!But sage decided to teach him a courtesy call.He took the Stork out of the door, knocked on the door, and said,: — It is necessary to do so. - All clear! - happy Stork. — This is music? and flew away, eager to surprise the world with their art. Nightingale on their little wings came later.He knocked timidly at the door, said Hello, apologized for the concern and said that he really wanted to learn music. The wise man liked the friendly bird. And he taught the Nightingale everything he knew. Since then, the modest Nightingale became the best singer in the world.And the eccentric Stork only knows how to knock the beak. Yes still boasts and teaches other birds: Hey, do you hear? You have to do this, like this! This is real music! If you don't believe me, ask the old wise man.
1 A: to feed - инфинитив после глагола remember, помним о том, что нужно выполнить какое-то действие B: to do - инфинитив после глагола promise 2 A: give -инфинитив без частицы to после let+ дополнение B: to take -инфинитив после глагола to decide 3 A: watching - герундий после глагола like B: to watch -инфинитив после глагола prefer 4 A: trying -герундий после предлога in B: to be- инфинитив после глагола seem 5 A: reach - инфинитив без частицы to после модального глагола B: using -герундий после try, в качестве «пробовать, экспериментировать» 6 A: to tell -инфинитив после глагола mean ,в качестве «намереваться, собираться» B: to go out - инфинитив в качестве цели действия 7 A: to do -инфинитив в обороте would like B: go -инфинитив без частицы to после let’s 8 A: talking - герундий после оборота it’s no use B: to listen -инфинитив после конструкции to be too+прилагательное 9 A: to help - инфинитив после want B: collecting - герундий после предлога about