перевод: в наші часи навколишнє середовище не в найкращій стані і ми повині його захищати.
по-перше, якщо говорити про найпростіше ми повині більше турбуватися про природу.
не забруднювати річки, не викидати сміття у лісах, парках та на вулицях краще користуватись переробіткою сміття.
навколишнє середовище це також тварини. таким чином ми маємо захищати їх також. це може бути будівництво нових притулків або просте піклування про тварин.
і тому не забувайте захищати середовище тому що ми є частиною цього.
скажешь потом как оценили 4 задание:)
по поводу третьего не знаю пока, а ответ на 1 и 2 в предыдущем вопросе
hi joe
just got back from holiday!
Guess where have i been? My family and I went to the trip to Siberia two weeks ago. It was amazing although the hotel where we were staying had problems with central heating, i thought i was going to get a cold but fortunately, luck was our my side and we got warm rooms without any drafts.
Also something happened on the radio tower, so we didn't have the opportunity to communicate with people outside the hotel, but my family and I took the chance and spent time only with ourselves. It was a really liring holiday and i enjoyed it with my every cell.
It's a little bit all of sudden, but my extended family and I will go on a trip to their old county, Georgia, next week to meet our friends from there and also to learn something new about this, i have no doubt, place.
That's all for now.
Take care and write soon.
The sun was shining. There were some clouds in the sky.
I was standing at the main fountain and looking at it when I saw a boy riding a bicycle. He could do it very fast! I felt a gust of wind when he had rode near me. I shouted him not to ride too fast in the place where there were many people walking with their children.